PLEASE READ - Update 28/08/2024

There are changes to the enrolment processes, make sure and read the entire webpage for the new process.

I have been providing courses for free for a year now, and unfortunately the interest in these courses became overwhelming and was eating up too much of my time and I had to take a rest for a few months. However I am now back and keen to assist learners in their Cisco journey once again. However, things may have to change in terms of course timescales to fit in with my home life a bit better. I am trying to keep things along the same lines as they were before, but please be mindful that requirements on completion dates may change if the student interest becomes overwhelming again.

As some of you may be aware, NetAcad has recently undergone an overhaul, and as such there will be ongoing teething issues for several weeks while problems are identified and fixed. There may be occasions where I cannot assist with your problem, as it needs dealt with on the NetAcad server side, and so you may have to have more patience than normal when waiting for issues to be resolved.

Who am I?

I am an experienced Cisco Networking Academy Instructor who teaches NetAcad courses on a daily basis. I am CCNA / CyberOps / DevNet certified and I am a firm supporter of Cisco training and the benefits that it brings to students all over the world. I want to be kind and share these benefits with as many people as I can.

I also think Ninjas are cool.

What is being offered?

Remote, self-paced, instructor-supported courses, using the official Cisco NetAcad platform which is used by schools / colleges / universities all over the world. Currently available  for enrollment are CCNA1, 2 and 3. This course list will once again expand to include other courses if my free time allows it.

What will this get you?

These are certification-aligned courses. So on the successful completion of the courses you will have studied the content contained within the Official Certification Guides for each course, which will have helped prepare you for undertaking the requisite certification exam at an official testing centre (not provided by me, obviously). You will get a Cisco Digital Badge on completion of any of the courses which can be shared on social media such as LinkedIn.

Any extra benefits?

If you successfully complete the CCNA  (1,2&3) courses with a sufficiently high score on your first try, then you will receive a discount to get roughly 60% (location dependant) off your certification exam at an official testing centre.

Who is this for?

Anyone studying in their own time as part of their personal goal of upskilling and improvement. This is not an offer that is being extended to businesses to upskill their staff; these individuals should be purchasing the requisite courses through the Cisco Learning Network. Any requests for enrollment for a course using a work email will not be fulfilled.

The First Rule of Ninja Club.....

I don't really do social media. I'm not spending money on advertising. If you think someone will benefit from a course then please share this opportunity with them.

I'm doing this in my own time, at my own expense. I do not want or need people being rude or aggressive to me. If you are I will flatly ignore you. A please and a thank you doesn't take much effort. Let's just be kind to one another.

I'm doing this around my full time job, so I may not respond immediately, but I will respond. If I haven't replied to you inside 3 days then feel free to send me a nudge email.

If you are emailing me about something then please include your name, email which you used to enrol, the course on which you are enrolled (full course title) and the specific thing that you need assistance with. I am usually dealing with hundreds of students and having to send emails back and forward to eventually get to the point of the initial email wastes everyone's time,

How do I sign up?

PLEASE don't just enrol in these courses just for the sake of it, just because they are free. I am a real person spending my own time doing this just to help people out, and having to admin the courses and respond to emails takes up a significant portion of my (very limited) free time. Only enrol if you are going to make use of the materials being provided. Thanks.




It is essential that you email me at and provide your



EMAIL ADDRESS (that you are using to enrol)


Anyone who uses the links below to sign up to the course and who doesn't email me as above will be unceremoniously unenrolled from the course without warning.

If you already have a NetAcad account then use this when signing up, as duplicate NetAcad accounts can cause you problems when you go for Certification Exams.

Any business emails signing up to the courses will be removed without warning (education email addresses are ok).

Your details will only be used to enrol you on NetAcad courses and so I can contact about your courses. Submitting your details to me assumes you agree with and are happy with these requirements. 

Please do not send me personal details other than what is listed above. I do not need them and the less data you share with me the better. Never send me any financial details.



The new netAcad experience is here, and allows for new enrollment functions. Please note, I am trying these out for the first time, so if there are any issues then please email me and I will try and sort them out as quick as possible.

Current Course Options 

Introduction to Networks (CCNA1) - more info - Enrolment Link

Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials (CCNA2) - more info  - Enrolment Link

Enterprise Networking, Security & Automation (CCNA3) - more info  - Enrolment Link

Ok, so how much does this cost?

Nothing. Nada. Zilch. This is not a business. This is me having the capability to share the learning provided by Cisco to help people upskill themselves, and feeling the responsibilty that I should do exactly that. This endevour is carried out in my own time and at my own cost (mainly time and effort).

I appreciate that some people may be sceptical of anything that is free, but there are no hidden costs to this. At no point will I ask for more than manners (manners don't cost anything) and patience (I may not reply immediately) from you. 

However, if you did wish to "Pay It Forward" then I would respectfully ask you to pick a children's hospital and make a donation to them so they can help continue to help sick children. These courses would cost you hundreds from a private company, so please consider a small donation to help sick children, if you are financially able to do so. My suggestion would be Glasgow Children's Hospital, but please feel free to donate to whoever you wish, if you can. 

Free, but not easy.

These at all 70hr+ courses. They are not quick, nor easy. You will get a minimum of 6 months to complete your course. There are various requirements to complete each course including chapter exams, final exams, and skills exams. A course cannot be completed within the first five weeks after enrolment, and any requests to be marked off as complete before your initial five weeks has elapsed will be ignored. I am able to see engagement stats for each student in relation to the course content, and if it is clear that a student has just clicked through the course and not spend what would be a reasonable amount of time engaging on the course (remember they are 70hr courses...) then that student may not be marked off as complete.

Please note, I will undertake periodic "spring cleaning" of each course, and if it is clear that a student hasn't made any significant progress in three months of being enrolled - such as having undertaken chapter exams - then I will unenroll the student without further notice. This is unfortunately due to the volume of requests I now receive from students to be enrolled, who then make zero progress with their course, but who I have to continue to admin. So please, only request to be enrolled if you intend to make use of the resources being provided, so it doesn't add unnecessary workload for myself. Thanks.